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The Economic Development Commission held a regular meeting on Tuesday, February 17, 2009at the multi purpose building in Sandy Hook, CT 06482. Chairman Robert Rau called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.

PRESENT: Chairman Robert Rau, Theodore Kreinik, Robert Morey, Catherine Adsitt,
Mitch Bolinsky, Wes Thompson, David Howard, and Martha Lamarche.

ALSO PRESENT: Director of Planning and Community Development, Liz Stocker.

PUBLIC: Newtown Bee reporter John Voket, Ann Peters, member of the Inland Wetlands Commission, and several others.

ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES: Chairman Robert Rau welcomed new members.
Mr. Kreinik moved to accept the minutes of the January 20, 2009 meeting. Mr. Rau
seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

COMMUNICATIONS: There was discussion on a letter received from the law firm represent-
ing Highland Plaza (the old Fireside property). The letter addressed the concerns of the retailers
that are not happy with the sign regulations. Highland wants to put up an internally illuminated
sign on the road. Ms. Adsitt had strong opinions on this topic. She is against the sign because Newtown is a bedroom community and people who live here know where they are going. Mr. Thompson attended the Planning & Zoning meeting where this was discussed. He said that High-
land was having a hard time getting businesses in. He said that the Commission should look at
sign types for other mini malls in town. Highland said that people driving by at 30 miles per hour
can’t read the signs. Chairman Rau said that there are already limitations in place.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: Jane Brymer from the Planning and Zoning Commission,
stated that new types of lighting are softer and much better than the ones we have in place today.

Chairman Robert Rau explained that all the communities in the area are putting together a plan
for the development of the region. Mr. Jonathon Chew, Executive Director of the Housatonic
Council of Elected Officials gave a presentation of the Regional Plan.

 “The regional plan shall be designed to promote with the greatest efficiency and economy the
coordinated development of its area of operation and the general welfare and prosperity of its
people” CT General Statutes 8-35a.

OLD BUSINESS: Chairman Robert Rau introduced Mr. William Carbony of Spath-Bjorklund
Associates who gave a presentation on the Tech Park plan revisions. Mr. Carbony first showed the
plans of the 10 lot subdivision and the 6 lot subdivision. He then introduced the most recent plan
of a 2 lot development, 1 lot containing 5 “condominium like” buildings. The second lot has one
larger building. This plan would bring the road in along the railroad and have minimum impact
on the surrounding wetlands. There was discussion on the Deep River Trout brook, as well as
water drainage and discharge. Some discussion was had on the use of the railroad line for these
businesses.Mr. Carbony explained that there was not a high demand for railroad use. Mr. Carbony
ended by saying that this plan complies with zoning requirements while trying drastically to
preserve Deep Brook. Ms. Stocker said that Hartford does not want any more money spent
on this project.

Discussion followed regarding tax abatement for ATMI. Mr. Morey made a motion for the
town to offer abatements for real and personal property tax up to the maximum allowed
by state statute. The motion was seconded by Mr. Kreinik, all in favor.

Motion for adjournment was made by Mr. Bolinsky seconded by Mr. Kreinik and passed.

Submitted by:
Shirley A. Paproski, clerk